Profile of the Hannan Graduate
The Archbishop Hannan High School graduate begins to develop an understanding of God’s constant desire to enter into an ongoing relationship. The graduate has a fundamental understanding of Scripture, Catholic social and moral teaching, and the Traditions of the Catholic Church. At graduation, the Archbishop Hannan student:
- understands the loving and caring relationship between God and humanity through study of the Hebrew Scriptures, as well as its culmination in the redeeming mission of Jesus Christ as witnessed in the Gospels.
- has experienced opportunities to deepen his or her personal relationship with God through retreat opportunities, exposure to liturgical and personal prayer, and the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
- evaluates and reasons through complex moral issues by relying on a growing informed conscience and the need for justice, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- recognizes his or her role and responsibilities as a member of the Body of Christ, in participating and continuing Jesus’ mission.
The Archbishop Hannan High School graduate will exhibit the intellectual skills and mastered the academic requirements necessary for success in higher education and in his or her professional life. The graduate has engaged, at a variety of levels, the various disciplines necessary to begin understanding his or her place in a complex world. At graduation, the Archbishop Hannan student:
- has attained a considerable level of proficiency in the academic skills necessary for success in college and life.
- demonstrates effective skills in oral and written expression reflecting sound analytical thinking and persuasion.
- has mastered the ability to use technology effectively and credibly to acquire, process, and communicate information and new ideas.
- utilizes critical thinking skills in approaching new situations and problem solving.
- appreciates the importance of life-long learning in order to deepen his or her understanding of our complex and dynamic world.
The Archbishop Hannan High School graduate exhibits an intellectual, spiritual, physical, social and emotional level of maturity that reflects self-awareness and ongoing growth. The graduate accepts responsibility for and understands the importance of his or her own continued growth and personal development. At graduation, the Archbishop Hannan student:
- accepts responsibility for his or her decisions, as he or she strives to live the core values of The Hannan Way – character, faith, integrity and a commitment to excellence.
- understands the importance of living a balanced life that is committed to integrating faith, family, social, work, and physical health.
- is developing a humble and grateful acceptance of his or her gifts and skills, as well as accepting his or her limitations.
- lives out the school motto “Charity Leads to Perfection” through servant leadership and strives to model integrity, compassion, and confidence in all facets of his or her daily life.